2-Care for NYC:
Creating free child care for 2 year olds in NYC
Why are we fighting for Two’s Too?
What: Free Child Care for NYC’s 2 Year Olds
Free Child Care for 2 year olds means NYC families are eligible as soon as their child turns two; just like Pre-K and 3-K.
2-Care must be free for all ~60,000 NYC 2 year olds and be a full-day and full-year of care.
2-Care should draw on existing licensed capacity and scale up in child care deserts.
Why 2-Care?
Care for 2 year olds costs an average of $23,400 per year.
Toddlers who are only eligible for means-tested care are currently underserved by subsidies. Only 20% of eligible toddlers in NYC receive child care subsidies.
Care for 2s is unevenly distributed. Current 2s programs are mainly available to wealthy families, with growth focused in high-income areas, while working and middle-class communities face a decline in toddler child care options.
We know how to do it! NYC already created Pre-K for All and Free 3-K . We have the knowledge and experience to take the next step, age down and help families stay in NYC!
Why Now?
NYC families are at their breaking point. We are losing young families and would-be families to other states and we cannot wait for the state or federal government to act.
We can’t afford not to do this. State-wide we are collectively spending $14 billion a year on child care costs. In 2022, NYC’s economy lost $23 billion as parents left the workforce, or the state entirely, due to child care costs .
How Much Will 2-Care Cost?
$1.3 Billion at scale - This assumes a 60% utilization rate and follows all health and safety ratios required for 2 year old programming.
Care provided at a sustainable wage. Paying fair wages is an essential piece of 2-Care.
Parents and providers across the city are getting organized to win 2-Care - free child call for ALL 2 year olds in New York.