Dear Mayor Adams:

As proud grandparents and residents of New York, we urge you to:

  • Restore the $400 million in funding for universally available Pre-K and 3-K programs

  • Invest in outreach and advertising to promote these programs effectively.

  • Establish universal child care for all children under 5, including offering full-day and year-round availability.

We have witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by families in balancing work, parenthood, and the soaring costs of child care. A staggering 80 percent of New Yorkers cannot afford child care, and 42 percent of American parents rely on grandparents for assistance, often to alleviate the burden of expensive child care while our adult children go to work.

Many of us serve as the primary child care option for our grandchildren before they are able to enter 3-K and Pre-K, and we often fill in gaps in care beyond typical daycare hours or during the summer. While we cherish our role and understand the importance of supporting our adult children's careers, the current system disproportionately burdens older generations who may be on fixed incomes, dealing with health issues, or juggling their own responsibilities.

Research underscores the critical importance of quality preschool programs in the first five years of a child's life. Our grandchildren deserve access to these high-quality programs to support their development and socialization.

We are troubled by the apparent reversal of the city's commitment to universally available free Pre-K and 3-K programs, especially at a time when affordability concerns are driving many low and middle-income New Yorkers out of the state. It is imperative that the city not only maintain but expand its efforts to provide universal child care for all children under 5, throughout the entire day and year.
Grandparents should not bear the burden of a problem that the city can address with the appropriate prioritization.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your dedication to serving our city.


Sign the Letter from Grandparents to Mayor Adams: Restore funding for 3-K & Pre-K & Invest in Universal Child Care